Join us for a ceremonial retreat at the Deer Mountain Sanctuary north of Mt Shasta, CA to journey home into our centers, heal and reconnect to spirit in this Ceremonial Walking With the Medicines Retreat. Tat Erick Gonzalez, Mayan Elder, Kamal B’ey and Aj Q’i, and Nan Raquel Hugo Mexica/Mayan Curandera and Aj Q’ij of the Earth Peoples United Lineage which Tat Erick leads will be guiding this circle together, facilitating a space of prayer and transformation to strengthen the spirit of gratitude in our lives and help us to cultivate a more conscious relationship with the sacred healing allies of Mother Earth’s flora and fungi teachers through traditional ceremony.
We will be working in the Mayan Calendar days of weaving our individual and collective threads to anchor ourselves on our unique path and destiny towards becoming the full blossom of our Flowering Tree of Life.
Click HERE to learn more and to register.