Patziapa Sanctuary
On sacred land on the shores of Lake Atitlan, Guatemala in the heart of the Mayan world, Patziapa rejuvenates the soul, invites connection to the ancestors, and awakens a deep sense of spiritual and elemental connection.
The Patziapa Sanctuary lies on the shores of Lake Atitlan on the skirt of the San Pedro volcano, across from the village of Santiago Atitlan. Away from roads or power lines, and only reachable by boat, Patziapa is an ideal place for rejuvenation and connecting to the elements, Spirit, the ancestors, and our own inner peace. The sacred maloca, or roundhouse, was created with sacred geometry and is a powerful space for teachings and gatherings. There are also remains of a pyramid on this sacred land, and many sacred ceremonies have happened here with elders from many nations across the world, including the ceremonies for the New Era on December 21, 2012. With its eastern-facing slope facing sacred Lake Atitlan and the volcanoes of Atitlan and Toliman, it makes a stunning ceremonial site for welcoming the sunrise.
The land at Patziapa is extremely fertile and has a year-round growing season, making it an ideal place for growing, researching, and teaching about traditional indigenous medicines and foods. It is our goal to preserve and reestablish healthy organic food and medicines, as well as provide natural medicinal products such as tinctures, essential oils, salves, incenses, and teas to local and international communities.
Our retreats nurture our connection to the sacred medicine and plant teachers through spiritual teachings, temescal/tuj ceremonies, (sweatlodges with medicinal waters), pipe and fire ceremonies, cultural immersion with the Maya, and time with nature, the gardens and the medicine plants. The magical waters of Lake Atitlan are easily accessible and ever-present in the views and sounds of this sanctuary that can only be reached by boat.
Patziapa offers various accommodations with comfortable beds, solar power, solar water heaters, and prepared meals that incorporate as many organic options as possible. With thousands of plants of all kinds, it has been called "the ultimate botanical garden."
We offer ceremonial retreats at Patziapa several times during the year, and are looking for local help with the gardens. Please contact us for more information.