Join the circle with us at Earth Peoples United to honor the coming of Spring Equinox 2023, the time when there is equal light and dark in the northern hemisphere..
A midpoint and place of balance from which the force of life and new growth around us calls us out from our dreamy winter dens to embrace the light. And this year our circle will be aligning with the day of Oxlajuj (13) Ajpu on the Mayan Calendar. A day to appreciate our capacity to reach the potential within each of us to come into the full blossom of our beings.
Click HERE to register yourself on zoom.
These seasonal circles are always special times to gather virtually, share presence and see each other's faces, share our voices, prayers and songs, and stories to lift each other up. As always, please feel free to pass on the invitation to any others you would like to extend this invitation to to be part of the circle.