Wisdom Keeper Tracks

Learn from our archived oral tradition teachings from Wisdom Keepers of different traditions that have walked with Earth Peoples United over the years. Some of these beautiful beings walk in the Spirit World now, and we are so grateful they chose to leave this wisdom for those that continue…

These teachings are being shared with our members, and are intended only for the person signed up as a member. We request that there be no sharing of content or materials. We ask that this knowledge be honored and respected, and recognize that there is a great deal of trust being given to us by the Wisdom Keepers and Medicine People willing to share their sacred knowledge at this time.


Nan Marsha Forrest

Nan Marsha Forrest was born and raised on the Six Nations Reservation in Ontario, Canada as a Mohawk woman of the Bear Clan. She worked as a nurse and lived in Haida Gwaii, the Queen Charlotte Islands of B.C., for thirty three years, and was adopted into the Ts’aalth Clan of the Eagle Clan of the Haida.

Marsha has traveled to many countries, including Guatemala, and was part of the Traditional Elders and Youth Council for many years. She received her bundle as a Mayan Aj Q’ij from Tat Erick Gonzalez in 2021. She has been learning traditional teachings and alternative practices from various elders for over 35 years. Nan Marsha loves to share her teachings and ceremonies with many people, and in the communities where she has lived.

Grandfather Whitewolf Switzer

Grandfather Whitewolf Switzer is a Welsh-American Singing Folk Healer, practitioner of Plant Spirit medicine and founding elder on our Earth Wisdom Keeper Council here at Earth Peoples United. His traditional title in the Cornovi lineage is 'Dyn Hbyss', meaning wiseman and magician -- a lighthearted medicine man with wisdom to share for all who are called.

Whitewolf is a spiritual teacher, storyteller, ceremonial guide and healer who has had the honor to learn and share with elders and teachers of the four directions. He weaves threads from his many teachers and direct connection to spirit and the elementals in his traditional way of teaching.


Sweet Medicine Nation

Sweet Medicine Nation is a gifted artist, educator, lecturer, and medicine Teacher and guide. With her eloquence, wisdom, and gifts she’s dedicated her life to offering opportunities for people to experience conscious and deep connection with nature and spirit, through indigenous education and ceremony.

With her wise-woman guidance she offers powerful and useful tools and ceremonies for revising, repurposing, and reclaiming our lives in this New Era of the Divine Feminine. 

She is the founder and President of the Four Winds Community Foundation, dedicated to the spiritual evolution of humanity, offering indigenous wisdom through sacred rites ceremonies and education.

Patricio Dominguez

Patricio was born in the summer of 1949 in a small traditional community and was cultured by the contact of not only his parents and Grandparents that lived in the community but he was fortunate enough to have a Great grandmothers influence until he was 13. His Great grandmothers specialty was herbs and his grandmother healed by the power of touch now called massage.

 At the age of five Patricio was presented in a public ceremony to the medicine men to be blessed as a man of spiritual knowledge. In the summer of his life he married a nice Navajo Lady in the Native Tradition. They have two children and one Grandson. Patricio now lives in Albuquerque and is on the Board of Directors of two other non-profit corporations. He still dances with the tribe at four major feasts per year.

Tribe: Piro Manso Tiwa, Education: Traditional and University of New Mexico

Medicine Grizzly Bear Bobby Lake-Thom

Medicine Grizzly Bear, also known as Bobby Lake-Thom was a traditional Native Healer from northwestern California. He was half Karuk, part Seneca, Cherokee, and (part Anglo) and was documented and recognized on the BIA records. Bobby conducted hundreds of ceremonies and lectures. 

He is the author of Native Healer (Quest Books, 1992) Spirits of the Earth (Plume/Penguin, 1998) and Call of the Great Spirit (Bear & Company, 2001). 

He was a professor of Native American Studies for over 20 years teaching at Humboldt State University, Gonzaga University, and Eastern Montana College. He has served as a consultant for Indian reservation programs, tribes, organizations, and federal/state agencies for over twenty five years in the areas of Indian health, education, social services, natural resources, religion, BIA 638 Programs and contracts, and related grant writing and development.


Woableza Robert Labatte

Woableza was a Lakota/Dakota elder and Wisdom Keeper whose spiritual name "Woableza" identified him as "One who seeks the Knowledge of Life" or "One looking for Understanding." He traveled across the Americas for over 30 years gathering stories, songs and dances from the elders of many tribes. He shared many beautiful times and touched many people with the wisdom and laughter of his stories and ceremonies in the 23 years that Tat Erick and Nan Heddi knew him, and was one of the elders that shared at our Wisdom Keeper and Youth councils.

In 2012, he shared this oral tradition teaching with the members of Earth Peoples United.



A member of the Havasupi Tribe (people of the blue-green waters) from the Heart of the Grand Canyon, Uqualla was born into a family carrying the knowledge of the traditional and ancestral ways. He is a spiritual advisor, storyteller and orator and has shared throughout Japan, Europe, South America, and the United States. His journey has blessed him with the divine meetings of spiritual leaders, tribally, nationally and globally.