Winter 2022/2023 Mayan Calendar, with Lunar & Cosmic Alignments

This season we focus on the element of Air in the Mayan Medicine Wheel.
The White Road, the Milky Way and the Ancestors within our essence.

May these tools and guidance support your path. 

New Moon: This is a phase to invite new beginnings. Welcome new challenges, set yourself new goals or ask for your heart’s desire. During a New Moon, it is good to set intentions and focus on how you will manifest these intentions during the coming month. 

Full Moon: This is the time to let things go. Let go of things that no longer serve,  so that you can heal and move forward without these things holding you back. The Moon’s brightness offers hope, white celestial light to guide your forward.

Mayan Calendar 13-Day Week Cycle Energies



Contrary to the hype at the end of the year 2012, the Mayan calendar did not come to an end. It is still alive and can serve as a powerful guiding tool for our lives. The sacred Mayan calendar that we follow, called the Cholq’ij, is made up of 260 days (approximately 9 months, which is the gestation period for a human being). Within this calendar there are cycles of 13 days that we call a week, where the vibrations of the days go from 1 to 13, and then start again in a 1 vibration. These vibrations are moving along side of the 20 Daylords, creating the completion of the Cholq’ij: the one cycle of the Mayan calendar in its 260 days (13 x 20).

The importance of these 13-day weeks is that they tell a story of an evolutionary process of humanity and all the beings with which we share this matrix. The matrix is what we call Kaj Uleu, the place between sky and earth, where all of life is manifested. In the same way that we have planetary influences (the basis for astrology), we have frequency, elemental, and cosmic influences, as individuals and a collective, that are reflected through the Mayan Calendar and that create a direct influence on our 7 divine bodies.

We are again sharing this creation story that comes from the spiritual, elemental and cosmic energies of the 13-day Mayan Calendar week. This creation story can be read in the sacred book of the Popul Vuh, as well the oral traditional stories that go with the ceremonies of the Maya. The Mayan Aj Q’ijab, shamans, the Daykeepers, they know this story. We want to share it in this way to expand this knowledge into the consciousness of humanity.

On the one vibration of each 13-day week we will be sharing a brief overview of the energies at play for that week, in which we can attune ourselves for a more cohesive and harmonized life.  Each week initiates with a 1 energy and moves through an evolutionary process to reach its full potential in the frequency of 13.  The frequencies move through the 20 Daylords.  The week describes not only part of a story of creation, but the story unfolding into a future that we can participate in. This smaller cycle of the 13-day weeks and the journey of the Daylords gives us an episode of an unfolding, everlasting story of which we are part (we are the actors in co-creating our future). In the same way that when we look at the stars we are looking at the past, there is also a future in which the gear of the 13-day week is part of an everlasting clock. This clock has some degree of predictability in which we can plan and participate with, and align ourselves with, to be in harmonious frequency. It is in essence a mini “forecast” using the Mayan Calendar.

We invite you to work with the water in some form on the One vibration of each 13-day Mayan Calendar Week and make your prayer, set your intentions with the energies of that week. Each week starts at the 1 (beginning) energy of a certain aspect, and builds to the 13 (full empowerment) energy of another aspect - like a wave that we can ride and harness that energy to help and guide us in our lives, or seeds we can plant with our prayers and intentions to grow a certain energy in that timeframe.  We offer reflections on the Water element within these cycles to connect to these energies.

If you would like to learn more about the Mayan Calendar or how to schedule a personal reading with Tat Erick to discover your Tree of Life, please contact us at

Winter 2022 into 2023 13-Day Week Energy Descriptions:

13-Day week of 1 T’zi – 13 I’q (Mon Dec 19th – Sat Dec 31st, 2022)

In the week of 1 T’zi (Mon Dec 19th), here the initiation now begins to take form into our relationships with Life, our relationships with ourselves, our relationship with each other, our relationship to the Original Instructions. How are we behaving, and how are we carrying the Law of the Land, the Spiritual Law? Because here is where we are looking at the completion of this cycle in the relationship to 13 I’q, the 13 breaths (Sat Dec 31st). Here are the 13 forces of Spiritual Law.

The new moon falls on 5 Ix (Friday, Dec 23rd), asking us to plant our intentions for how we relate to our Mother Earth, the medicine plants, and the magic of life.

And so, in this journey, in this initiation, we are going to find that in the middle is 7 Ajmak (Sun Dec 25th). That which was before- the place in which we had to decide what to carry as our ancestors’ gift, now it becomes our acts, our way that we are in relationship to life.  And so the next day comes in, 8 Noj (Mon Dec 26th)- the completion of acting on the wisdom that we now know. Not just knowledge to make things happen, but the wisdom, so that on the next day on 9 Tijax (Tues Dec 27th) we can communicate it. And we can use that force to liberate anything that is limiting the 1 T’zi – the human slavery, the destruction of the earth, the pollution of the earth. Here comes this revolutionary, this force to change the things that are not right. And so Tijax becomes these warriors, becomes these guardians of Earth in activation. Because the 1 T’zi says “oh, just a minute! Here, the violations are against nature, against the Creator, against Life.” And we need the 13 Spirits (I’q), we need to endure through our mind, 12 Imux, (Fri Dec 30th) to find the solutions so that we can communicate it, we can protect it, and we can cut off all those things that are not needed with the energy of Tijax.

 So this week here, this initiation, is about global transformation, global evolution. And it can go the other way where we have the wars, the bickering, the fighting, the jealousies, the envies- the 1 T’zi can become a very messy cycle. But we are looking at the relationships to life, to be in the activation and the manifestation of the ancestors’ gift.  And so here, the ancestors look at us and they say “oh good, they learned it well.” And the children are looking at it and saying “oh yes, they are a good example for me to live by.” _________________________________________________

13-Day week of 1 Akabal – 13 Tz’ikin
(Sun Jan 1st – Fri Jan 13th, 2023)

In the week of 1 Akabal (Sun Jan 1st), now we have the spiritual force, now we want to birth it, we have been given the spiritual approval. So in 1 Akabal, we watch the new dawn through this week. We watch the process to go from that which was not known into 13 Tz’ikin (Fri Jan 13th)- a full beauty of visions, the richness that comes from enlightenment. This is not just the knowledge or wisdom now, this is the joy of the vision in activation. Like we see now, the beauty of our efforts through so many years that we have sanctuaries. We have the beauty, so we live it now. So 1 Akabal takes us through the dawning through the Web of Life (2 Kat- Mon Jan 2nd). We still must come through the transformation (4 Keme- Wed Jan 4th) and into the place of the medicine, the shamans (5 Kiej- Thurs Jan 5th). The full moon falls on 6 Q’anil (Fri Jan 6th) of this week, inviting us to harvest that which we planted with the New Moon, and bring fertility to that which we activated.  

In the middle of this week, on 7 Toj (Sat Jan 7th), there is a balance now with all the offerings that have been given: the efforts that have been given to Life, to ourselves, to our family, to Creator, and the gifts that are being received. Now you can see that everything you have done is coming to be fruitful. It is there for you- the gifts are there, and this is a place of balance. The karma is being given (payment), we are getting rid of that, and now we see this jewel, this potential, because it is taking us to the completion of the community on 8 T’zi (Sun Jan 8th). 20 days ago we started the 1 T’zi- the initiations through all this story with our relationships. Now, on 8 T’zi- the community is complete. Now we know our placement. Now we know the Original Instructions. Now we know how our relationships are. Now we know what we must give and what we must take. Between 7 Toj and 8 T’zi, we understand that now. We understand our placement, we understand our gifts, and we understand the reciprocity for our efforts, for our community now.

And so the community prepares to say thank you to those ones who are going to be giving birth on the Belejeb (9) B’atz (Mon Jan 9th) the 9 strands/threads. This is the day to honor the women as 1 Akabal: the house of creation, the house of the crystals, the womb of the mother Nan Imuxcane, Nan Ixchel, and the physical place in which birth can happen. Now, in 9 B’atz, the birth is being witnessed. This is when the Maya celebrate and honor the women through ceremonies. We know now that the DNA, the matrix, the Cholqi’j we call it, the counting of these days are now witnessing the birth of all of these thought forms, of the birthing that we are trying to do. So it starts to know itself, on the path, on the road, on 10 E (Tues Jan 10th).  This whole journey this week is so that we can get to the beauty and the completion of 13 Tz’ikin (Fri Jan 13th): the beauty, the gifting, the incredible abundance and harvest in life.

13-Day week of 1 Ajmak – 13 Q’anil   
(Sat Jan 13th – Thurs Jan 26th, 2023)

In the week of 1 Ajmak (Sat Jan 14th), we have received this incredible beauty and celebrated the women in the previous week, and now on the day of 1 Ajmak we honor the children- now they have been born. On 1 Ajmak we now have all these children running around, and we must teach them, we must protect them, we must show them the way that the Lords of the Light walked. These are the teachings of the ancestors, to take us to the balance of the 7 I’q (Fri Jan 20th), the 7 breaths that come from all directions. These are the 7 rays that are drawn on the fireplaces to show the path of the spirits.

In this week, 1 Ajmak starts to make the journey all the way to the fertility and total harvest of 13 Q’anil (Thurs Jan 26th). So this is like the families- they have a whole bunch of kids and then they harvest that love, that family, that’s how it’s always been. And so whatever seeds have been planted in Ajmak – whether they are ideas, whether they are processes, or bundles, or the children themselves, we know that they will go through this whole story. Then on 8 Akabal (Sat Jan 21st), Akabal comes into completion. 20 days before was the initiation on 1 Akabal, to understand what is in the mystery, what is not known. Now, on 8 Akabal, we are understanding what needs to happen for these children, for these ideas, for these projects. The new moon also falls on this day of 8 Akabal – inviting us to focus on how to manifest this understanding and bring it into form.

Then the birthing happens through the web of life on 9 Kat (Sun Jan 22nd). The children must go through the rites of passage through the sacred fire, through the web, through the elemental forces. We need to take them all the way to understand that they will be our harvest, they will be the future seeds of our world, the 13 Q’anil.

13-Day week of 1 Toj – 13 Imux (Fri Jan 27th – Wed Feb 8th, 2023)  

 In the week of 1 Toj, now we see that we have been given incredible fertility and a great harvest from the previous week. Now on 1 Toj (Fri Jan 27th) the initiation starts again: now we have this gift, and are sitting on a treasure, we are sitting in abundance. We have paid our debts, and now 1 Toj is going to take us through a sacred journey all the way to 13 Imux (Wed Feb 8th). In this 13-day week we will be able to take this gift and create, co-create, crystallize, and holograph our ideas. Now we know a lot of these processes and stories, and on 13 Imux we again go through the process of deciding what is knowledge, what is wisdom, and how to apply the solutions as we face other challenges, or other evolutionary processes. But before we get to that, we have to get to the place of the 7 Tz’ikin (Thurs Feb 2nd) where we are asked to remember our original visions, remember our inspiration, and remember our prayer. Then in 8 Ajmak (Fri Feb 3rd) we can become a complete ancestor.

 Now, the gifts that you have been given and the gift that you were getting ready to give, becomes the bundle of the wisdom on 9 Noj (Sat Feb 4th). We are giving this bundle to the next generation, to the world - the solutions to the things that we need to correct, or, to continue co-creating and creating the beautiful word that we aspire to. The full moon falls on 10 Tijax (Sun, Feb 5th), where we let go of anything that stands in the way of the self-awareness of how we communicate and protect that which is sacred to us.

 So here in this week of 1 Toj, we are going to take the gift that is offered us. And we are going to set an intention and plant that staff on 5 Aj (Tues Jan 31st) so that the Ajpus, the Lords of the Light, can endure their challenges and their trials and tribulations (12 Ajpu – Tues Feb 7th), and we can be creative in what we need to do to sustain life on this world (13 Imux – Wed Feb 8th).

13-Day week of 1 I’q – 13 Ix  (Thurs Feb 9th – Tues Feb 21st, 2023)

In the week of 1 I’q (Thurs Feb 9th), another initiation begins that asks us to select the spiritual seeds in which life will continue. This week’s story will again take us through completing our exchange: let’s say we brought gifts and we give them on 8 Toj (Thurs Feb 16th), and at the same time we receive our gifts. Here’s where the ceremony has been answered, and the prayers are answered. And so this initiation will take us all the way to 13 Ix (Tues Feb 21st)- the 13 sacred sites, the power of the jaguar, the guardians of the natural world. Once this gift is given in 8 Toj (Thurs Feb 16th) and we start to make the next step in 9 T’zi (Fri Feb 17th), the Maya are celebrating this energy of the Guardians of Earth: the guardians of the sacred, the guardians of the holy. As we go to complete the journey of 13 Ix (Tues Jan 21st), this dog nation, the wolf nation, these judges, these protectors, these faithful ones, these warriors, they will guard the Ix- they will guard the goddess. They will guard the bundles. They will walk with you on 11 E (Sun Feb 19th) on your path. They will know themselves for what they are and who they are in carrying this spiritual initiation, this spiritual message.

The new moon on 12 Aj (Mon Feb 20th) is an opportunity to invite new beginnings for the ability to persevere and endure that which comes at us for our families and our bundles.

These are those who make the commitment to be the guardians of the Goddess- the champions, the strong warriors. They will face many challenges and incredible things that they have to overcome, but when they get to that sacred site, when they receive the blessings of 13 Ix, it is the shamans turning into the medicine. This is the journey of the human beings that turn into the elementals and the crystallization of their visions through the sacred sites, through the sacred ways. So 13 Ix becomes the sanctuaries. We’ve been praying, we’ve been going through all of this, and we have asked the initiation of the 1 I’q to give it life, to bring the dawning into these sanctuaries. But all these other things must be understood: the reciprocity, the selection of the seeds, the selection of those shamans and medicine people who will guard the sacred site, who understand the Original Laws and can be the law keepers and the guardians to connect, to maintain, to sustain, and to help these sacred sites and sanctuaries flourish.

13-Day week of 1 Tz’ikin – 13 Kiej
  (Wed Feb 22nd – Mon Mar 6th, 2023)

In the week of 1 Tzikin (Wed Feb 22nd), we see that we have been through the sacred site and that which is sacred. Now comes the initiation to shape and form the shaman, the Aj Pop, the medicine person, the roadman or roadwoman, the taitas, the spiritual leaders, the great oracles, and the powerful social leaders of the community, of the people. But, they have a journey to take- they must make it through remembering the ancestral work on 2 Ajmak (Thurs Feb 23rd) and giving and receiving the universal and elemental wisdom on 3 Noj (Fri Feb 24th). They are going to take the journey of the Apjus, the sacred initiations. In the middle of this week, 7 Imux (Mon Jun 13th), we come to a place where the mind now is at a place of understanding the dark side of our experience, and seeing the solutions that must be taken into consideration and put into place. 7 Imux becomes the clear mind, to use the clarity from the 1 Tzikin.

On 1 Tzikin (Wed Feb 22nd), now the eagle is flying high, and it can see all across the land. It can see beyond the road, beyond the journey of the mountains where we need to go, because the shaman needs to have the ability to see that. So from the 7 Imux (Tues Feb 28th ), now the water lilies are in full blossom, and the goddess can sit on it, to contemplate, in meditation, this sacred vision of the 1 Tzikin, given by Spirit. The next day on 8 I’q (Wed Mar 1st), the spirits are complete. They have given you what you are going to handle, what you are going to need for your crystallization, because in 9 Akabal (Thurs Mar 2nd), the next dawning, you are now going to birth your visions. You are ready to say “ok, this is what we have to do, and we have to get it done.” Now we need the maturity of all of us to know that we will do what we say we are going to do. The integrity, the clarity, the commitment, the dedication, through the web of life on 10 Kat (Fri Mar 3rd) is very important, because now the shaman can either be trapped or go back into entrapment, or it can know how to use the energy that connects all things.

Before the shaman, the 13 Kiej, can close its hand into total empowerment, it must endure the 12 Keme (Sun Mar 5th). It must endure the death process- the death of the soul, the death of the mind, the body, and everything else that the person wanted, or had, or aspired to, it must die. It must all be taken, so the shaman can be rebirthed in its power, and stand in its glory in that moment. It might last one second, it might last a whole lifetime. But the efforts continue to bring that sacred power on 13 Kiej (Mon Mar 6th). So this week requires a lot of contemplation, brings many challenges, and connects us to the supernatural. How are we going to manifest this spiritual vision? 

13-Day week of 1 Q’anil – 13 Ajpu
(Tues Mar 7th – Sun Mar 19th, 2023)

In the week of 1 Q’anil (Tues Mar 7th), now that the shaman/medicine person has received their empowerment, what are they going to do with it? The initiation of 1 Q’anil is to take that knowledge, that wisdom, all that process through life, and plant a new seed. This day also aligns with the full moon, inviting us to release anything that is holding us back from planting this seed in the best way possible.

The next day on 2 Toj (Wed Mar 8th) we give it a gift and receive its payment, and take it all the way through the 7 Ix (Mon Mar 13th)- the sanctuary. You are taking that seed now and creating a tipi fireplace, you are creating a sweatlodge, you are creating your ceremonial grounds, you are creating your journey through the sacred sites. Because on 8 Tz’ikin (Tues Mar 14th), the vision is complete. And it is preparing you. It is preparing us to go all the way to the 13 Ajpu (Sun Mar 19th)- the flowering of the Tree of Life. Then, after the vision is complete, we must go through the birth (9) of the Ajmak (Wed Mar 15th). As we become aware of the inheritance of our ancestors, we make the conscientious choice of birthing a tradition, breaking away from generational dysfunction.

We must give it away. Now we must give it as a teaching that this is the wisdom of 10 Noj (Thurs Mar 16th). This is what we have selected. This is what we have gone through. This is what we have from years now of integrity, of dedication, of contemplation, of meditation, of empowering ourselves and building relationships and applying this wisdom, so that we can communicate it in 11 Tijax (Fri Mar 17th). And then, before we can reach our full blossom, our full potential, we must go through one final purification process, and we must endure it, in 12 Kawok (Sat Mar 18th). Because that Flowering Tree, it must be in its Light and allow the emergence of the full potential. This is the last breath of our Being, so we can see that we have completed and we are now a Flowering Tree, a Flowering Staff.  We are in our illumination. And then, as we know, after the full potential is reached and all of this is done, the flowers fall off, and it goes through its winter. It goes through its death process to start again on the day of 1 Imux (Mon Mar 20th), as spring begins with the Spring Equinox.