Fall and the element of WATER.

Seasonal Wellness Wisdom

Wellness is a journey. It is the ritual of coming home to one’s self again to tend to the body and mind so that there can be space in our being for spirit to flow through us. And sometimes, wellness is "getting well" — it’s the willingness to dance in a healing crisis that brings us to greater alignment. It's something to be welcomed with curiosity and determination, in alignment with the seasons and the natural world. 
Inspiration lives in us the more we learn to live with the gentle companionship of rituals for our own wellness. As we make order in the home of our mind and body, in our relationships, and the temple that is the place we live.. We open up to the wellspring of connection that can unfold in our our lives.
We start to learn the value of pouring tea for each other and spreading the table to feed life itself. Thanksgiving becomes a perpetual ritual and little by little the ability to live any other way washes away in oceans in our blood. We become the medicine we once needed.
As human beings we are vessels of water, and in this we are also pools of embodiment. Pools of genetic codes and echoes of ancestral experiences that have shaped the patterns we have crafted in our conscious and unconscious mind. When we learn to appreciate this natural order of being human we can embrace that we are imprinted and ever changing as people, capable of transforming at the will of our thoughts and actions, especially when working with the elements in our life. 
May these offering bring you home to your center this Fall as  we work with the element of water.. As a polished mirror, a purifier and the sacred essential nourishment that it is for our lives and all of life itself.  May the waters help us to remember this gift of life. 

Take your time to explore these practices and make them your own, integrating the wisdom of the Mayan Calendar and Cosmic Alignments as guides to help you choose the timing for you. As with all Earth Peoples United teachings, we offer these words with the encouragement to cultivate your own distinct expression of ritual, life celebration and embodiment of your life and lineages.

Encode your sacred waters and pour yourself into all that moves your spirit this Fall.

Water Medicine and cleansing in the light of the Full Moon.

Every living creature on Earth collects energy, whether positive and negative, helpful or depleting.

All living beings and the elements they are made of are charged with energy and experience. And it’s because of this that ritual baths have been part of life since primordial times, with many expressions. In Curanderismo, the Luna Llena Baño is a practice to work within the portal of the Full Moon’s light to purify one’s life of limiting energies, the things which can consume us, eat away at our inspirations, and turn into illness in our bodies.

Every Curandera/o has their own style when performing a limpia, but all work with the same intention of cleansing one’s body, mind, and aura of unwanted energies. To bring the space for wellness and flourishing in life. And most of all, to help guide and empower one to perform these rituals for themselves.

Limpias are especially helpful when you are experiencing feelings of anger, fear, resentment, or sadness. They can help support you when you are working through bad dreams or interpersonal struggles, or simply be approached as a space of renewal and self care to mitigate the growth of the undesirable conditions we can sink into as humans. With humility and grace, we are invited to show up for own potential to be a vessel fo beauty and love in this world.. This ritual bath asks us to come into the light of the full moon and offer ourselves what we need to thrive in our relationships, first and foremost with ourselves.

Ask yourself..

Where do I feel separated from myself? What is it that is in the way of my expression? My truth and vulnerability in relationships? Where do I hold the anger in my body? The rage or feelings of inadequacy? Where have I been harboring feelings of neglect and lack of love.. support.. care.. encouragement? Where do I stubbornly hold onto any limiting belief I have been told? Is there any place that envy or jealousy has anchored itself in my life? What are my intentions for all that these questions brought up?

Let these questions be a prompt, just the beginning of what can be a natural flow for yourself as you map your heart and give attention to that which needs to be let go at this time. This baño ritual can help rid your body, mind, emotions, and auric field of negative mental self-talk and external "messages" that may be causing you difficulties at the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels of your being, so its is useful to prepare well with a meditation and/or journaling process ahead of time (the 3 days days leading up to the full moon/your chosen time for this ritual) to listen to yourself as you follow these instructions, and gather the ingredients you will need and set the space for your limipia,

Again, it is important that you set aside ample time alone to pray, reflect, and prepare. As well as to rest and sit in observation of your emotions and thoughts as they move following the baño. The process of being with the full moon can provoke your internal waters to move, provide yourself the space to take your time with this. To let go, to feel it more, to reflect upon what surfaces in your thoughts and emotions in order to embrace it and live a more full and authentic version of yourself with every passing moon.

This is considered a sacred healing ceremony. Therefore, we do not drink alcohol nor take any non-prescription drugs three days before, the day of, and three days after the purification bath. Ideally, this bath should be taken during the full moon. But, it may also be taken on either:

  • Three consecutive nights (the day before, the day of, and the day after the full moon); or

  • on the day or night before the full moon;

  • the day or night of the full moon;

  • the day or night after the full moon.

  • at any time during the waning phase of Grandmother Moon.

1. Purification and Reflection. Shower ahead of time so that your body is clean and ready for this beautiful ritual. Use the smoke of copal resin or white sage to smudge thoroughly if it grows in your area. Otherwise, you may use mugwort. If you're in the Pacific Northwest or Canada, cedar may be substituted for white sage. Then, taking as much time as you need, reflect on your situation and about what it is that you wish to release, recalling all that the time in preparation brought to your attention. Gather the herbs you will use in your limpia and make an offering of a prayer in the open air with them fanned out to receive the energy from the moon. Let no weather condition interfere with this step.. if its raining or snowing, so be it, let those waters be part of the ritual bath itself.

2. Cleanse an area to prepare the baño waters by laying down a white cloth and lighting a white glass-encased 7-day candle at the center of this space (also known as a sanctuary candle that you can find at most grocery stores or Latin American markets) and offer prayers to Creator or God, Goddess, or Higher Power, in gratitude for the good medicine of the herbs and plants that have been given to us to use for our good health and well-being, in trust of nature and our own natural ability to renew ourselves. Ask for protection and blessings from Creator, the Spirit of Water, Mother Earth, Good Healing Spirits, Grandmother Moon, and your Guides. Ask for the light of the Full Moon to help you balance yourself and illuminate your path.

3. Cook the herbs in a large clay pot or enamel basin . Bring to a gentle boil in a large pot, a very generous handful of: rue or rosemary, mugwort, white sage (if it grows near you), and basil. Fresh is best, but dried can be used. These plants are chosen for their purifying qualities so it is best not to substitute with other plants or flowers. Do so only if you absolutely are not able to gather or purchase the plants listed. It's a good idea to place the plants inside a large cheesecloth or old clean pillowcase so that the leaves and stems do not clog your drain. You may also bundle them together tied with a red cotton string so that you can use them to brush your body as you bathe or shower. While you are doing this part begin to fill your bath tub with very warm water (part way only as you'll be adding the herbal water you are preparing to it).

4. Offer yourself in service to your life as you bathe. Once the water and plants have come almost to a boil, let it sit for a few minutes to steep, take in the aromas and be present with the moment. Carefully remove the pot from the stove and add the herbal water to your already warm bath water to be soaked in it for at least 15-20 minutes. Fresh white rose petals can be added to bring in more energies of protection. It is essential to ensure that the herbal water touches every part of your body: from the top of your head to the soles of your feet and everywhere in between. Pay special attention to areas that have experienced physical trauma. The parts of yourself that your awareness came to in your preparations as you asked yourself where the hardship and heavy energies resided in you. As the sacred water washes over you, visualize it entering your body like a golden light healing all your vital organs, toning your brain, and fortifying your bones and skin, so that all that needs to be released leaves your body/mind/spirit, flowing away with the water washing over you. The bath takes about 20 minutes in order to do it with mindfulness and surrender. While you're sitting in herbal water, you can repeat the prayers you offered earlier as you pour the water over yourself. Allow the prayed-over water, your deeply held desire and intention, and the healing power of the plants to wash away fatigue, confusion, anger, and grief. Alternatively this can be done outside while standing on the earth in a small circle, a few inches deep to give the waters a place to pool. In this case, use a wooden, silver or copper pouring vessel to bathe yourself with.

5. While you're performing your Luna Llena Baño say the following phrases out loud, mindfully and with feeling. If this is a struggle, place your hand on your heart and hold yourself as you speak:

  • "I now return any energy that I may have taken from someone, knowingly or unknowingly, to its source, with blessings of love and peace."

pause for a moment and then state firmly and with deep intent:

  • "I call back all of my own personal power or energy that I have given away, knowingly or unknowingly, in all directions of time and space, so that I am fully present and restored to wholeness and balance.”

Afterward, simply sit in stillness, remembering to breathe normally. Focus on your heart, feeling the light of compassion flow throughout your body and mind.

If you do not have a tub, you may pour the herbal water over your head and body in your shower stall. Make sure that the water touches every crevice and fold of your body..

Once you feel that you're done, do not rinse off the herbal waters, instead let the blessing of the medicine remain on your skin, to be with you in your dreams that night/those nights. Air dry as much as possible.

For the following three (3) days: Listen to uplifting music, read spiritual books, watch funny or inspirational movies, and do gentle exercises such as qigong, tai chi, or yoga or go for walks in nature. Avoid being around persons who indulge in negative talk or gossip. Drink plenty of water with prayers of gratitude and eat good healthy food. Honor the needs of your body and your spirit and express your emotions in words and writing (even if those writings are to people unable to receive them physically due to obstacles like cultural difference or the passing of a loved one).

Respectfully offer the waters and herbs used to the earth. Offer all or some herbal bath water back to Mother Earth and lay out the herbs that offered their life so that we could have their medicine and life as a gift to Great Spirit. Let it be gentle and beautiful.

Important: Refrain from this bath if you are pregnant (some herbs are abortificient), or have health issues such as high blood pressure or if you are menstruating --in our traditional healing ways if you are menstruating your body is already purifying itself.