Summer Lunar Wisdom Share

2022 Mayan Calendar, Lunar & Cosmic Alignments

The Summer in the Mayan Medicine Wheel is the element of Earth and the Yellow Road. We invite you to carry the Earth through this season. Walk barefoot, plant a garden, visit different places to experience the diversity of the expressions of Earth. Sit with the Stone People and Standing Ones (trees) to feel their grounded, ancient energy. Grow and harvest your own food, or at least acknowledge and give thanks for the journey and energies it takes to go from a seed being planted to arriving as prepared food on your plate. Where does the food you eat come from- what journey has it already taken?        

Reflect on what are we planting, growing, and harvesting in our lives.  All the new life that began in spring flourishes and strengthens during summer to give full blossom for a good harvest in the fall. This is a season of abundant energy, expansion, growth, activity, and creativity. 

The Yellow Road is where we learn how we manifest ourselves in this physical world, how we are learning, what we harvest, and what is our placement in the circle of life.  Here we discover our life purpose, it is where we are exposed to what it takes to fulfill our sacred mission. This is where we discover our relationship to the Mother Earth, finding true nourishment in the journey of life so we can be happy, joyous beings.           

Mayan Calendar 13-Day Week Cycle Energies
~ Summer 2022 ~

We invite you to work with the earth in some form on the One vibration of each 13-day Mayan Calendar Week and make your prayer, set your intentions with the energies of that week. Each week starts at the 1 (beginning) energy of a certain aspect, and builds to the 13 (full empowerment) energy of another aspect - like a wave that we can ride and harness that energy to help and guide us in our lives, or seeds we can plant with our prayers and intentions to grow a certain energy in that timeframe.  We offer suggestions using the Earth element to connect to these energies. 

13 Day Week of 1 Q’anil: Monday June 20th (culminates in 13 Ajpu on July 2nd)

The energy of 1 Q’anil is about identifying our seeds of creation, and how to take care of these seeds. It is a powerful time to make covenants to the Earth, asking permission to work with nature in the ways that we understand. This wisdom of the earth helps us identify who we are and what we are carrying that can grow from the seed to reach its full flower (full potential), which will become our harvest, on 13 Ajpu. With the flowering of the Tree of Life (13 Ajpu), we complete the biological cycle of the 260 day Chol Q’ij (Mayan Calendar) in its fullness. We take the experiences of the last cycle, the wisdom of Earth, the movement of the seasons, and the journey between life and death, and continue an evolutionary cycle of life with a new thought process that begins the next day on 1 Imux, which starts the next 260 day cycle. Flowering Staff Ceremony on 13 Ajpu.

13 Day Week of 1 Imux: SundayJuly 3rd (culminates in 13 Aj on July 15th)

On 1 Imux, a new thought process begins. We take the previous experiences and consciously call forth our thoughts of designing our new journey. Meditate and open the doors to the collective consciousness of the earth while burying your hands inside the earth (sand, dirt, mud) and imagine that your fingers are roots to pull the nourishment from the earth itself. What are the thoughts that arise from that connection? Communicate your visions or make your request. With those thought forms, we will recognize that we must have strength, endurance, perseverance and a clear direction to travel the 12 E (energy of persistence on our path), because we will finish this week by declaring our sacred purpose by planting our staff on 13 Aj. The energy of 13 Aj is one of the prophesies of how to get through the ending of this 5th world- through collaboration, co creation, and becoming the People Made of Honey.

In this week the day of 8 Q’anil falls on Sunday July 10th. This is a day when thousands of the Maya gather the people and the seeds to bless the potential and future harvests of our lives in ceremony, offering prayers so that we may live into our fullest physical, mental, and spiritual abundance.

13 Day Week of 1 Ix:
July 16th (culminates in 13 Keme on Jul 28th)

On 1 Ix, we start the journey of reverence to purposely visit the sacred sites - identify and make the journey to bring your prayers and offerings to the sacred places in nature that are around you. We request take action to strengthen our spiritual connection, as in this week it is part of the Mayan Creation Story when the Lords of the Light must battle the Lords of the Underworld on the day of 7 Ajpu (Jul 22nd) , to become victorious over our darkness and our challenges in this life. On 10 Akabal (Jul 25th) we can start to recognize if our design and actions will hold be able the forces of death and purification. Will all this hold through to the total transformation on 13 Keme?

13 Day Week of 1 Kiej: July 29th (culminates in 13 Kawok on Aug 10th) 

After this death and purification process, it is time to initiate the carriers of the sacred on 1 Kiej- these are the Medicine People, the ones who sacrifice for the wellbeing of the people and the earth. The initiation will birth a new vision on 9 Tz’ikin (Sat Aug 6th), a day where we celebrate the rebirth and birth our visions. It starts to become spiritually clear how the caretakers of the earth will perform their work and take action. This week culminates on 13 Kawok - that which is no longer needed is purified, and that which is growing can be charged up with the energy of the storm, preparing us for our actions of love for the earth.

13 Day Week of 1 Ajpu: August 11th (culminates in 13 E on Aug 23rd)

This week is another main part of the Mayan Creation story. Now in the 1 Ajpu, the greatest challenge begins to see if we are real and if we have what it takes. Have we made the proper preparations and are we trained enough to present ourselves to the battlefield, into the ballcourt where the Lords of the Underworld await us on 7 Keme (Aug 17th)? Here the game of life and death begins- do we become prisoners of our illusions, or do we join the ranks of the Lords of the Light to create beauty, to be in the field of higher consciousness, and to be those spiritual beings that we are meant to be? On 1 Ajpu gather seven different kinds of fresh flowers and keep them in water on your altar. Then on 7 Keme, take off their petals and offer them beautifully to the earth as an offering for your transformation to be beautiful.

The next day, 8 Kiej, is celebrated by the Maya in this week (Aug 18th) as the day the Maya give the bundles to the newly initiated Spiritual Leaders in ceremonies at sacred sites. They have been victorious over the Lords of the Underworld, and are celebrated on this day. The outcome of these journeys will define the destinies of generations to come on on the culmination of this week on 13 E.

13 Day Week of 1 Aj : August 24th (culminates in 13 Kan)

Now that we have chosen our path on 13 E, on 1 Aj we carry our staffs or flags of identification that we are now on a sacred mission, and we start to be in full awareness and alignment with the warriors of time- sacred beings who care for Life, guardians of the sacred. Again we meet with the energy of Ajpu, this time with the vibration of 8 (completion). These are the warriors of light with great powers but with gentle souls that dedicate themselves with the wellness of all life, manifesting actions of love- the peacemakers and guardians of earth. We are carrying the bundles and knowledge and will protect the earth and in service to All our Relations. Now we are using energy properly in connection with all the networks of life on 13 Kan. Here is where the Maya identify the great wisdom of the Feathered Serpent people- great teachers, great spiritual beings that can bring humanity back to a place of honor, respect and in good relationship to Life.

13 Day Week of 1 Keme: September 6th (culminates in 13 Tijax)

After the connection with the networks of life on 13 Kan, we go through a death process on 1 Keme to transform our ego, back to an initiation of our truth. Just as the earth has seasons, life and death and transformation is needed. So again we go into the depth of our being to reconnect to the purpose of the bundles we are carrying (the purposes of life). And we either allow them to be purified and cleansed, or we are assured that what we are carrying for the earth and life is rightful. Here is where we accept the traditions of our ancestors, or we need to do the work to rejuvenate them or transform them with the energy of 11 Ajmak. The culmination of this week, 13 Tijax, gives us the opportunity to cut away all that is not needed- it is a time to have the deepest reflection of our being. This is when we can find the fullness of our declarations within the field of life and death, our relationship to the earth, and our covenants with our relationship to all on this earth (13 Tijax).

13 Day Week of 1 Kawok: September 19th (culminates in 13 B’atz)

After being in these incredible stories, as the summer ends and we welcome the Fall, we enter the house of the Grandmothers on 1 Kawok to purify ourselves. This is a time to cleanse our bodies and our minds, and to connect to the Mother Earth and the Heavenly Spirit. As we come back to the energy of Keme, it is now the vibration of 8, and the process of transformation will be complete- as the earth sees another season complete. The following day brings the energy of 9 Kiej, when the spiritual being is birthed. The medicine person emerges fully as victorious over the dark, and many new Aj Q’ijab, or Mayan medicine people, are celebrated on this day. The culmination of this week in 13 B’atz is the fully empowered tapestry/weaving of beauty and oral tradition for the story of the Earth, and what it will take for the next generation to make it.