Spring Lunar Wisdom Share

2022 Mayan Calendar, Lunar & Cosmic Alignments

Photo by Frank Cone

The Spring in the Mayan Medicine Wheel is the element of Fire and the Red Road. We invite you to carry the Fire through this season. Light candles, burn smudge (sage, cedar, copal, other dried herbs whose smoke brings spiritual cleansing), smoke your pipe if you have one, make a fire if you can. Feel the warmth of the sun on your skin, give thanks for the fire of your hearth as you cook and nourish yourself. Feel the warmth of Life in your body, in your blood. Our culture can be very fearful of fire, and the raging wildfires we see and experience when things are out of balance have become normal. We invite you to create a safe space to witness the fire, talk with it, observe it. Like all the elements, it can be a sacred helper, and can also devastate and destroy. We can lose the “spark” of life and become depressed, depleted. How do we feed our inner fires? Where are our fires out of control and end up burning ourselves or others?   
We invite you to work with the fire in some form on the One vibration of each 13-day Mayan Calendar Week and make your prayer, set your intentions with the energies of that week. Each week starts at the 1 (beginning) energy of a certain aspect, and builds to the 13 (full empowerment) energy of another aspect - like a wave that we can ride and harness that energy to help and guide us in our lives, or seeds we can plant with our prayers and intentions to grow a certain energy in that timeframe. 
Then we add to that the overlay of the Springtime energy, in which the Earth is sprouting, budding, growing… Call forth the potential of what you want to plant, create, manifest in your life by bringing it to the Fire, like the sprout that emerges from the darkness to reach towards the sun… The Red Road is the road of service and unconditional love, with love in action. This is the season to bring the fire of ceremonial prayers across the Mother and to serve with actions of love- serve, support, and donate as the springtime begins. Light a spark, light your pipes, with the intention to witness the rebirthing of earth- watch the trees sprouting. Plant your intentions and declarations for what you want at this time of the Spring and allow the energy of the Earth to awaken and grow with you.